Between Sound and Silence
Kirsten Angerbauer
Rainosek Gallery
School of Architecture and Planning
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM
July-November 2021
Rainosek Gallery
School of Architecture and Planning
University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, NM
July-November 2021
‘Between Sound and Silence,’ Kirsten Angerbauer’s first solo exhibition in New Mexico, combines sound frequencies and vibrations with everyday materials to create a multi-sensory, immersive soundscape. Exhibited in 2021 at the UNM School of Architecture and Planning Rainosek Gallery, the work includes glass etchings, video work, experiments, sketches, and large scale sound installations that transform everyday materials through sonic energy.
Created during the isolation of the pandemic, the exhibition is a reflection and meditation on the uncertainty and silence felt by many, combined with the constant hum of information, media, and data. These vibrations reflect the cacophony of the outside world as well as sonic landscapes that provide us with perpetual subconscious background noise. The works reflect our individual frequencies through Angerbauer’s presentation of non-auditory sound elements, opening the door to unique experiences in the space between sound and silence